torstai 7. helmikuuta 2013

Itsy bitsy spider

One of my zoos newest member is Chilean tarantula i like to call Furry. Though she should be called Fury. The only furry pet i have. She came from a pet store and you really can´t handle her. One quite cranky spider i have... But with time and patience i´m sure she will get used to handling. I just have to conquer my fear of spiders so i can touch her. She´s probably going to get used to me before i get used to her. I´ll let you know how it goes...

Every time i try to feed her ore just think about opening her terrarium, she climbs to the door and waits... Mind reader spider. Just stays there staring at me. Ore it just feels like she`s staring... When i open the door she never does anything, doesn´t even try to climb out. She´s just keeping an eye on me. :)

Baby scorpions

 Caring for the babys and seeing how fast they grow was fun. And they are so cute. There´s nothing scary about an 2cm scorpion. Only drawback was knowing i couldn´t keep them all to my self. My appartment just wasn´t big enough for all the terrariums. Feeding and handling 24 little scorpions every day was challenging but rewarding.

                        At the beginning they were just little white maggots on their mothers back.
                  Then they grew to little white scorpions. This transformation took only 2 weeks.
Small and white
All my babys were handled every day so they would get used to it. It´s easyer to sell a scorpion you can hadle. We had a lot of visitors who wanted to handle babys so they would get rid of their fear of bugs.

After the rapid  few first weeks growing slows down and it takes years for a scorpion to grow to full size.
From white to black

                               And here is the current size of the only baby i kept to my self.
My baby

All other babys were sold and hopefully are growin steadily. The problem with selling something you have raised from beginning is, you never know how well the new owner is taking care of them. You can only hope.

keskiviikko 6. helmikuuta 2013

Asian forest scorpion

The mother scorpion is truely a night crawler. Her terraruim is located right next to my bed, so every night i hear her movin around. Im used to the sound and it doesn´t bother me. But some of our quests say that the sound of her claws tapping glass in the darkness is creepy. I find the sound soothing. She is the guardian of my sleep.

I got her as a present few years back with a note that said:
Asian Forest Scorpions are good for beginners, if you want to try something more aggressive than an Emperor Scorpion.

My beautiful black scorpion.
Couple months later she gave me a huge surprise by giving birth to 24 babys. I didn´t know she was pregnant, though she had been gaining a lot of weight.

Mom guarding babys.
Suddenly i had 25 scorpions instead of one. And only one thought in my mind... What am i going to do with all these scorpions? I didn´t know anything about taking care of baby scorpions but i had to learn fast.
Luckily her previous owner gave me some tips and i started to raise my baby scorpions.


My zoo.

I have never been intrested to get a dog or any other furry animals, so i had to find something else... It all started with one leopardgecko and my herd is still growing steadily. At this moment i share my bedroom with 5 leopardgeckos, 2 Asian forest scorpions, one Chilean rose tarantula and one Kenyan sand boa.  I`d like you to meet my little zoos residents... As they say, pets can tell alot about their owner.

Mother scorpion